This is the second post on the topic of Draw a star-shaped chart with Canvas. This time I will cover how to paint different colors on the chart. You can visit the online demo HERE.

Paint Colors

This chart is designed to visualize the number of followers of a track from different social media platforms. Each social media platform has a unique color. For example, the track has 2553 followers in total with 25% from Facbook, 25% from Twitter, 15% from Instagram and 35% from Youtube. The colors for these four platforms are #003840, #005A5B, #007369 and #008C72 respectively. So the next step is to paint colors on the chart proportionally.

With some basic knowledge of canvas, we know it is pretty easy to fill a rectangle or a circle. Here it seems we should paint a circle except that the area outside the star shape chart is not colored at all. This may remind you of the usage of canvas clip.

As MDN defines Clipping paths as:

A clipping path is like a normal canvas shape but it acts as a mask to hide unwanted parts of shapes…Everything that falls outside of this path won’t get drawn on the canvas…You use clip() instead of closePath() to close a path and turn it into a clipping path instead of stroking or filling the path.

The idea is to draw a star shape outline first, clip the outline path and paint the circle that wraps the star shape. To paint a circle, we need to make use of the arc() method. Please note here we should fill a fan-shaped area instead of an arc. That’s why we should move to the center point before we draw an arc each time. Here is the complete version of the js snippet.

	var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
	var canvasWidth = canvas.width;
	var canvasHeight = canvas.height;
	var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

	var R = 90
	var r = 78;
	ctx.moveTo(1/2 * canvasWidth, 1/2 * canvasHeight - r);
	for(var i = 1; i <= 28; i++) {
	  if (i%2 == 1) {
	    ctx.lineTo(1/2 * canvasWidth + Math.sin(1/14*Math.PI*i)*R, 1/2 * canvasHeight - Math.cos(1/14*Math.PI*i)*R)
	  } else {
	    ctx.lineTo(1/2 * canvasWidth + Math.sin(1/14*Math.PI*i)*r, 1/2 * canvasHeight - Math.cos(1/14*Math.PI*i)*r)
	ctx.lineWidth = '2';
	ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff';
	var data = [
	  {name: 'Facebook', ratio: 0.25, color: '#003840'},
	  {name: 'Twitter', ratio: 0.25, color: '#005A5B'},
	  {name: 'Instagram', ratio: 0.15, color: '#007369'},
	  {name: 'Youtube', ratio: 0.35, color: '#008C72'}

	var startPoint = 0;
	  ctx.moveTo(1/2 * canvasWidth,1/2 * canvasHeight);
	  ctx.arc(1/2 * canvasWidth,1/2 * canvasHeight,R,startPoint, startPoint + ele.ratio * 2 * Math.PI);
	  ctx.fillStyle = ele.color;
	  startPoint += ele.ratio * 2 * Math.PI;
	ctx.arc(1/2 * canvasWidth, 1/2 * canvasHeight, 70, 0, 2 * Math.PI);