We often choose Highcharts as our library when working with charts and data visualization in the front end. Highcharts is a comprehensive library with which you can create various kinds of visual effects. A few days ago, the project manager put up a customized select effect: when you select a part of area on the chart, the background color changes. Since I did not find a quick example on Highcharts website, I decided to create it on my own. You can view the live demo HERE.
Here is my snippet for the customized select effect.
(function highlight(color, strokeWidth) {
var mainPath = document.getElementsByClassName('highcharts-graph')[0];
var dValue = mainPath.getAttribute('d').split(' ');
var container = document.getElementById('container');
var background = document.getElementsByClassName('highcharts-plot-background')[0];
var canvasHeight = background.getAttribute('height');
var offsetLeft = parseInt(background.getAttribute('x')) + 10;
var defaultStrokeWidth = mainPath.getAttribute('stroke-width');
var start, end, active;
container.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e){
start = e.clientX - offsetLeft;
active = true;
container.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e){
if (active) {
end = e.clientX - offsetLeft;
calcSubPath(start, end)
container.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e){
active = false;
function calcSubPath (start, end) {
var array = []
for (var i = 0; i < dValue.length/3; i++) {
if (dValue[3*i+1] >= start && dValue[3*i+1]<=end) {
array.push(dValue[3*i + 1]);
array.push(dValue[3*i + 2]);
var firstPoint = array[1];
var lastPoint = array[array.length - 2];
if (firstPoint && lastPoint) {
array[0] = 'M'
var newPath = array.join(' ').concat(' ' + 'L' + ' ' + lastPoint + ' ' + canvasHeight).concat(' ' + 'L' + ' ' + firstPoint + ' ' + canvasHeight)
function renderSubPath(newPath) {
var pathElement = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg','path');
pathElement.setAttribute('d', newPath);
pathElement.setAttribute('stroke', color);
pathElement.setAttribute('class', 'highcharts-graph colored')
pathElement.setAttribute('stroke-width', strokeWidth ? strokeWidth.toString() : defaultStrokeWidth);
pathElement.setAttribute('fill', color || '#384997');
function removeColoredPath() {
var existPath = document.getElementsByClassName('colored')[0];
if (existPath) {